Happiness and sadness run parallel to each other. When one takes a rest, the other one tends to take up the slack. welcome to my life

Thursday, March 19, 2009


Ok so life seems to be pretty good right now. I have my books for being home schooled and i am finally on track. Except we have a visitor in our household, my great grandma. My grandma Crepps is here for three weeks and we still haven't had a movie marathon yet. We did watch Pride & Prejudice today. (real good, Darcy is so handsome! :)) Yeah but i am just really into books right now. Nicole and Kelly introduced me into a fabulous series, it is the seven waters trilogy, so there are three and i have only read one but i know the other two will be equally as good. hehe

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Hop on!

Hop on my happy bus. So i am having a better life right now. I have been cleaning like crazy this week and i am going to Utah this coming week. (We are actually leaving today but we won't get there til tomorrow.) I love the feeling of a clean house. It means no worries for the rest of your days, it a problem free philosophy, clean you house! :) Have on on your spring break! see ya!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Look at this pic. I love it i don't know why but i just looks awesome. I combined and old time look with the new times and the look just suits my brain, mixed up and coolio, and only i would understand it. hehe well i haven't posted since Friday. I don't know what you want to hear or who even reads my blog. So i want you to tell me, what do you want to hear. Comment and ask me questions or topics for me to write on. Thanks
(p.s. no i am not self-centered this is my picture for facebook, it has to be of me! :))