Happiness and sadness run parallel to each other. When one takes a rest, the other one tends to take up the slack. welcome to my life

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Look at this pic. I love it i don't know why but i just looks awesome. I combined and old time look with the new times and the look just suits my brain, mixed up and coolio, and only i would understand it. hehe well i haven't posted since Friday. I don't know what you want to hear or who even reads my blog. So i want you to tell me, what do you want to hear. Comment and ask me questions or topics for me to write on. Thanks
(p.s. no i am not self-centered this is my picture for facebook, it has to be of me! :))


Mercedes said...

Okayy rachel you said to comment lol well i love that picture btw! AMAZING!! i dont know what you should post i just love being able to hear a little of what is going on with you cuz i havent actually seen you in FOREVER!!!!!

Just keep doing what you are doing! i love you girlyy!!!

Heather :] said...

Hmmmm, post about anythin'! :] Maybe you could write about something fun you did while at home, hahahahahahahahaha :D

Anonymous said...

Except for your chin, i thought that was a pic of me in high school! weird! but i love you my niece twin!

Rachel Hess said...

ooooooooooo B] very nice